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Other Activities Online Seminars Seminar Series by Tohoku University WISE Programs "Create the New Normal" How many people could have imagined our lives today four months ago? The new coronavirus is making us change our lives at a rapid pace. But why should we change our lives, and how? We don&#39;t even fully understand it. It&#39;s not only because it&#39;s the first virus we humans have encountered, it&#39;s also because we&#39;ve never lived a life that is connected to the world so strongly. In this seminar, leading researchers in our country will discuss the COVID&#8211;19, for which enormous knowledge has been gathered. They have a talk on the current state of research. How is COVID&#8211;19 different from the viral infections we have experienced so far. What do we know and what do we not know by now? We want this to be a place to gain knowledge, to think and to understand. We will also consider what we can do to help coexist with or overcome COVID&#8211;19, so that a new life can be created. I am hoping that it will inspire you to take action to make your life better. Link: Special Web Site *This lecture was given in Japanese. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 1st Seminar: What is COVID&#8211;19? Date : June 26, 2020 14:00 &#8211; 19:00 Moderators : &#183; Keiko Nakayama (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University) [Message] &#183; Ken Osaka (Graduate School of Dentistry, Tohoku University) Link : 1st Seminar Web Site Poster : PDF Message] Closing Remarks : Keiko Nakayama (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University) Lectures Epidemiology and response approach for COVID&#8211;19 in Japan Hitoshi Oshitani (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University) [Message] [Abstract] Japanese surveillance system and the epidemiology of COVID&#8211;19 Motoi Suzuki (Infectious Diseases Surveillance Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases) [Abstract] A challenge against COVID&#8211;19 of Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital (TMDU) Ryuji Koike (Medical Hospital, Tokyo Medical and Dental University) [Message] [Abstract] SARS&#8211;CoV&#8211;2: what have we learned so far Yoshihiro Kawaoka (Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo) [Message] [Abstract] Spatial epidemiology of COVID&#8211;19 epidemics Tomoki Nakaya (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University) [Message] [Abstract] Lessons learned from the cluster&#8211;based approach Mayuko Saito (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University) [Message] [Abstract] History of Zoonotic and Human Viruses and Future of SARS&#8211;CoV&#8211;2 Yuki Furuse (Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University) [Abstract] 2nd Seminar: Large&#8211;scale infectious disease as a disaster &#8211; discussion on DRR for building resilient society Date : July 16, 2020 16:00 &#8211; 18:30 Moderator : Yo Fukushima (IRIDeS, Tohoku University) Moderator (Discussion) : Suppasri Anawat (IRIDeS, Tohoku University) Link : 2nd Seminar Web Site Poster : PDF &#183; Hiroo Yugami (Associate Executive Vice President, Tohoku University) &#183; Michihiko Nakamura (Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University) Lectures Importance of the disaster management cycle: Large&#8211;scale infectious disease outbreak and natural disaster Fumihiko Imamura (IRIDeS, Tohoku University) [Message] Learn from the history: Experiences and lessons from the Spain flu Atsushi Kawauchi (IRIDeS, Tohoku University) [Message] Characteristics and management of recent natural disasters Hitoshi Iwasaki (Tohoku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) [Message] Business Continuity Plan (BCP) including strategy for infectious disease pandemic Hiroaki Maruya (IRIDeS, Tohoku University) [Message] How can we develop a resilient society? Shinichi Egawa (IRIDeS, Tohoku University) [Message] 3rd Seminar: The Covid&#8211;19 pandemic and the international regime in the 21st century Date : September 10, 2020 16:00 &#8211; 18:30 Moderator : Hidenori Tozawa (Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University) Moderator (Discussion) : Yasunobu Okabe (Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University) Link : 3rd Seminar Web Site Poster : PDF Lectures WHO as an international organization and the Global Health Regime Toshiya Ueki (Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University) Global Governance of Cross&#8211;border Movement of People regarding COVID&#8211;19 Shiro Komatsu (University of Yamanashi) UK Responses to COVID&#8211;19 and their International Implications Ra Mason (University of East Anglia) South Korea&#39;s Responses against COVID&#8211;19 and After Corona International Order Won&#8211;deog Lee (Kookmin University) COVID&#8211;19 measures in developing countries and JICA&#39;s international cooperation efforts Saeda Makimoto (JICA Ogata Research Institute) 4th Seminar: The Green New Deal and The Green Recovery of East Asia in the Post pandemic of COVID&#8211;19 Date : October 02, 2020 10:00 &#8211; 12:00 Moderator : Hiroki Takakura (Director of Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University) Link : 4th Seminar Web Site Poster : PDF Lectures The Green New Deal and The Green Recovery of East Asia in the Post pandemic of COVID&#8211;19 Jusen Asuka (Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University) [Message] Commentators: &#183; Gregory Trencher (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University) &#183; Nozomu Kawabata (Graduate School of Economics and Management,Tohoku University) &#183; Dan Jin (Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University) &#183; Akira Hibiki (Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University) 5th Seminar: To Leverage Artificial Intelligence in a new era with COVID&#8211;19 Date : October 19, 2020 15:30 &#8211; 18:15 Moderator : Toshiro Kaneko (Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University) Link : 5th Seminar Web Site Poster : PDF Lectures Natural Language Processing for the New Normal with Covid&#8211;19 Kentaro Inui (Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University) [Message] Applications of Image Processing in the COVID&#8211;19 Era Shinichiro Omachi (Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University) [Message] Action against COVID&#8211;19 by quantum annealing &#8211; optimization in a new normal life Masayuki Ohzeki (Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University) [Message] Information security technology for COVID&#8211;19 era Shinichi Kawamura (Cyber Physical Security Research Center, AIST) [Message] 6th Seminar: Infection and its Impacts on Society &#8211;Past, Present and Future&#8211; Date : November 05, 2020 14:30 &#8211; 16:00 Moderator : Akira Hibiki (Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University) Link : 6th Seminar Web Site Poster : PDF Lectures Cause and Impact of Infection in Socio&#8211;Economic History Naoki Odanaka (Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University) [Message] [Abstract] Create the New Normal Shunsuke Managi (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University) [Message] [Slide1] [Slide2] Falling Walls Lab Sendai Current and Upcoming Activities Past Activities Quattro Seminars Online Seminars g&#8211;RIPS Menu Falling Walls Lab Sendai Current and Upcoming Activities Past Activities Quattro Seminars Online Seminars g&#8211;RIPS

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