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関西BNCT共同医療センター MENU BNCT(ホウ素中性子捕捉療法)について BNCT(ホウ素中性子捕捉療法)について BNCT(ホウ素中性子捕捉療法)について 放射線治療との違い 治療効果評価 BNCTの受診を希望される方へ BNCTの受診を希望される方へ 【頭頸部癌】BNCTの受診を希望される方へ 『標準治療後の再発悪性神経膠腫』特定臨床研究を希望される方へ(※受付終了しました) 外国からBNCTの受診を希望される方へ 『再発高悪性度髄膜腫』医師主導治験のご案内(※受付終了しました) BNCT関連のよくあるご質問 BNCTに関するお問い合わせフォーム センターについて センターについて ご挨拶 センターの基本理念 施設のご紹介 スタッフ紹介 アクセス BNCT動画ライブラリー BNCT動画ライブラリー 市民公開セミナー わかるBNCT講座 「第19回 日本中性子捕捉療法学会市民公開講座」 「ここテレ|がんライフアドバイザーのがん晴れる道しるべ」  がんライフチャンネル PET検診・検査の申込 PET検診・検査の申込 PET検診・検査の申込 PET/CT検査 申込手順 PET/CT関連のよくあるご質問 センターからのお知らせ センターからのお知らせ センターからのお知らせ お問い合わせ お問い合わせ お問い合わせ 交通アクセス BNCT共同臨床研究所 English page 大阪医科薬科大学病院 Kansai BNCT Medical Center TOP Kansai BNCT Medical Center In June 2018, the Osaka Medical College Kansai BNCT Medical Center was opened in a building with three floors aboveground and basement one floor, and a total floor area of 4,000 square meters. Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) uses a nuclear reaction between boron atoms (10B) and neutrons to selectively destroy cancer cells from the inside. This mechanism differs from ordinary radiation therapy, which directly kills cancer cells using an external radiation beam. As a rule, treatment is possible by single irradiation of neutron beam for 30 to 60 minutes, and the minimal side effects make this an excellent treatment. BNCT can also be expected to be effective against metastatic and refractory cancers, and it is also often used against cancers that have recurred after ordinary radiation therapy. This therapy is raising hopes as a new option for treating cancer. At present, BNCT is undergoing clinical trials for relapsed brain tumors and head and neck cancer, and the Kansai BNCT Medical Center was born in Kansai Area where the most research results are accumulated in the world, to advance BNCT as general cancer treatment. Today, as BNCT is in the stage of transition from the research to actual clinical treatment, the Center is collaborating with other research and related medical institutions such as the Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University. The Center is improving treatment techniques and expanding the application of this treatment to other types of cancer by the advantage of its college affiliation while working to promote clinical research. A recumbent treatment bed in the Kansai BNCT Medical Center Work Performed 1 FDG-PET Examination Program PET-CT was transferred from the College Main Hospital, and examination was started on June 4th, 2018 (the day the Center opened). 2 BNCT Treatment Program After obtaining the approval of BNCT as an authorized medical treatment, consultation will be started. 3 BNCT Research and Human Resource Development Program We will promote research to expand an indication of BNCT in cancers and to improve therapeutic technology, as well as programs for training human resources involved in BNCT.   First floor entrance and reception desk Guiding Principles As a dedicated Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) facility, the Kansai BNCT Medical Center provides safe, high-quality medical care that meets the expectations of the cancer patient, while working to expand the number of cancer types to which BNCT can be applied and developing the therapy. 1 As a trusted medical institute Respecting the will of each patient, we will continue striving to protect the rights of those consulting with us as well as to provide safe and caring remedies. 2 As a base facility for BNCT treatment In collaboration with BNCT-related research and medical institutions, we will make efforts to accumulate the experience of treatments and form a BNCT medical base. 3 As a college-affiliated facility We will promote sound clinical treatment and continuous research to expand the indication of BNCT as well as training medical professionals involved in BNCT. Kansai BNCT Medical Center website (Japanese language) @ Kansai BNCT Medical Center, Educational Foundation of Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University. ページトップへ

beebet出金時間 コービーブライアントマイケルジョーダン キャップ野球ルール 勝率の高いギャンブル
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