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Appl. Microbiol. 2022. 133(3), 2002-2013 2021年 Kurata T, Kanbayashi D, Komano J, and Motomura K: Relationship between biochemical markers and measles viral load in patients with immunologically naive cases and secondary vaccine failure: LDH is one of the potential auxiliary indicators for secondary vaccine failure., Microbiol Immunol., 65:265-272, 2021 Yamayoshi A, Fukumoto H, Hayashi R, Kishimoto K, Kobori A, Koyanagi Y, Komano JA, and Murakami A: Development of 7SK snRNA mimics that inhibit HIV transcription., ChemMedChem., 16:3181-3184, 2021 Shinohara K, Furubayashi K, Kojima Y, Mori H, Komano J, and Kawahata T: Clinical perspectives of Treponema pallidum subsp. Endemicum infection in adults, particularly men who have sex with men in the Kansai area, Japan: A case series., J Infect Chemother., 28:444-450, 2021 Miyamoto K, Kawano H, Okai N, Hiromoto T, Miyano N, Tomoo K, Tsuchiya T, Komano J, Tanabe T, Funahashi T, and Tsujibo H: Iron-utilization system in Vibrio vulnificus M2799., Mar Drugs, 19:710, 2021 2020年 Gee P, Lung MSY, Okuzaki Y, Sasakawa N, Iguchi T, Makita Y, Hozumi H, Miura Y, Yang LF, Iwasaki M, Wang XH, Waller MA, Shirai N, Abe YO, Fujita Y, Watanabe K, Kagita A, Iwabuchi KA, Yasuda M, Xu H, Noda T, Komano J, Sakurai H, Inukai N, and Hotta A: Extracellular nanovesicles for packaging of CRISPR-Cas9 protein and sgRNA to induce therapeutic exon skipping., Nat Commun., 11:1334, 2020 Yoshiyama H, Ueda K, Komano J, and Iizasa H: Infection-associated cancers., J Oncol., Article ID 4979131, 2020 Okai N, Miyamoto K, Tomoo K, Tsuchiya T, Komano J, Tanabe T, Funahashi T, and Tsujibo H: VuuB and IutB reduce ferric-vulnibactin in Vibrio vulnificus M2799., Biometals, 33:187-200, 2020 Tsuchida T, Susa K, Kibiki T, Tsuchiya T, Miyamoto K, In Y, Minoura K, Taniguchi T, Ishida T, and Tomoo K: Crystal structure of the human tau PHF core domain VQIINK complexed with the Fab domain of monoclonal antibody Tau2r3., FEBS Letters, 594:2140-2149, 2020 Yamabe K, Arakawa Y, Shoji M, Onda M, Miyamoto K, Tsuchiya T, Akeda Y, Terada K, and Tomono K: Direct anti-biofilm effects of macrolides on Acinetobacter baumannii: comprehensive and comparative demonstration by a simple assay using microtiter plate combined with peg-lid., Biomed Res., 41:259-268, 2020 2019年 Kojima Y, Furubayashi K, Kawahata T, Mori H, and Komano J: Circulation of distinct Treponema pallidum strains in individuals with heterosexual orientation and men who have sex with men (MSM)., J Clin Microbiol., 57:e01148-18, 2019 Kurata T, Uchino K, Hotta C, Ogura A, Miyoshi T, Ogawa T, Kanbayashi D, Tanaka T, Yumisashi T, Komano J: Clinical value of enzyme immunoassay that detects rubella-specific immunoglobulin M immediately after disease onset., Microbiol Immunol., 63:32-35, 2019 Terada S, Harada T, Yokota M, Tsuchiya T, Adachi K, Asaka T, Miura M, Kawahara R, Kawatsu K, Komano J.: First isolation and characterization of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium harboring vanD5 gene cluster recovered from a 79-year-old female inpatient in Japan: Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2019 Dec;95(4):114883. doi: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2019.114883. Epub 2019 Aug 10.PMID: 31495527 2018年 Kawano H, Miyamoto K, Yasunobe M, Murata M, Yamahata E, Yamaguchi R, Miyaki Y, Tsuchiya T, Tanabe T, Funahashi T, Tsujibo H: Identification of the heme acquisition system in Vibrio vulnificus M2799., Microb Pathog., 117:100-108, 2018 Tanabe T, Isshiki A, Miyamoto K, Tsujibo H, Yamamoto S, Funahashi T: Transcriptional regulation of the ferric aerobactin receptor gene by a GntR-like repressor IutR in Vibrio furnissii., FEMS Microbiol Lett., 365:fny220, 2018 Sakon N, Sadamatsu K, Shinkai T, Hamajima Y, Yoshitomi H, Matsushima Y, Taerasoma F, Nakamura A, Takada R, Komano J, Nagasawa K, Katayama K, Kimura H: Molecular epidemiology of large foodborne outbreaks due to human norovirus GII.P17GII.17-contaminated dried shredded seaweed (nori)., Emerg Infect Dis., 24:920-923, 2018 Komano J: Establishment of a secure differentiation and de-differentiation-inducing method by protein transduction system LENA (Review)., Impact., 2018:82-84, 2018 Kariya N, Sakon N, Komano J, Tomono K, Iso H: Current Prevention and Control of Health Care-associated Infections in Long-term Care Facilities for Elderly in Japan., J Infect Chemother., pii: S1341-321X(17)30304-30305, 2018 Sakon N, Komano J, Omori R: High transmission potential of norovirus among infants and school children during 2016-201 season in Osaka, Japan., Euro Surveill., 23. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.6.18-00029. 2018 2017年 Kawano H, Miyamoto K, Negoro M, Zushi E, Tsuchiya T, Tanabe T, Funahashi T, Tsujibo H: IutB participates in the ferric-vulnibactin utilization system in Vibrio vulnificus M2799., Biometals, 30:203-216, 2017 Tomoo K, Miki Y, Morioka H, Seike K, Ishida T, Ikenishi S, Miyamoto K, Hasegawa T, Yamano A, Hamada K, Tsujibo H: Crystal structure of the solute-binding protein BxlE from Streptomyces thermoviolaceus OPC-520 complexed with xylobiose., J. Biochem., 161:493-501, 2017 Kanbayashi D, Kurata T, Takahashi K, Kase T, Komano J: A novel cell-based high throughput assay to determine neutralizing antibody titers against circulating strains of rubella virus., J Virol Methods., 252:86-93, 2017 Hiroi S, Kuhara M, Kishi Y, Ono K, Matsuzawa S, Yamamoto N, Komano J: Human monoclonal antibodies neutralizing influenza virus A/H1N1pdm09 and seasonal A/H1N1 strains – Distinct Ig gene repertoires with a similar action mechanism., Immunobiol., 7 pii: S0171-2985(17)30181-X. doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2017.10.040., 201 Sakon N, Miyamoto R, Komano J: An Infant with Acute Gastroenteritis Caused by a Secodary Infection with a Rotarix-derived Strain., Euro J Pediatr., 176:1275-1278, 2017 Martin CW, Hu Y, Chen H, Podkolzin AT, Zaytseva EV, Komano J, Sakon N, Poovorawan Y, Vongpunsawad S, Thanusuwannasak T, Hewitt J, Collins N, Vinjé J, Pang XL, Lee BE, de Graaf M, Vennema H, Koopmans MPG, Niendorf S, Hung T, Kwok K, Cheung K, Poljsak-Prijatelj M, Steyer A, White PA, Mans J, Lee N, Chan PKS: Global Spread of Norovirus Genogroup II Genotype 17 Kawasaki 308, 2014—2016., Emerg Infect Dis., 23:1359-1354, 2017 Nakata K, Takeda S, Tanaka A, Kwang J, Komano J: Antiviral activity of acid beta-glucosidase 1 on enterovirus 71, a causative agent of Hand-Foot-Mouth disease (HFMD)., J Gen Virol., 98:643-651, 2017 Kozaki T, Komano J, Kanbayashi D, Takahama M, Misawa T, Satoh T, Takeuchi O, Kawai T, Shimizu S, Matsuura Y, Akira S, Saitoh T: Mitochondrial damage elicits a TCDD-inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-mediated antiviral response., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 114:2681-2686, 2017 2016年 Urano E, Miyauchi K, Kojima Y, Hamatake M, Ablan SD, Fudo S, Freed EO, Hoshino T, Komano J: A triazinone derivative inhibits HIV-1 replication by interfering with reverse transcriptase activity., Chem Med Chem., 11:2320-2326, 2016 Takeda S, Takizawa M, Miyauchi K, Urano E, Fujino M, Murakami T, Murakami T, Komano J: Conformational Properties of the Third Variable Loop of HIV-1AD8 Envelope Glycoprotein in the Liganded Conditions., Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 475:113-118, 2016 Hoshino T, Matsuo K, Komano J, Maeda F, and Takekoshi M: Enhancement of the stability of single chain Fv molecules with the amino acid substitutions predicted by high-performance computer., Asia Pacific Biotech News, 20:32-37, 2016 2015年 Tanabe T, Miyamoto K, Tsujibo H, Yamamoto S, Funahashi T: The small RNA Spot 42 regulates the expression of the type III secretion system 1 (T3SS1) chaperone protein VP1682 in Vibrio parahaemolyticus., FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 362:fnv173, 2015 Miyano N, Igarashi T, Kawano H, Miyamoto K, Tsuchiya T, Tomoo K, Tsujibo H: Expression, purification, crystallization and X-ray crystallographic analysis of the periplasmic binding protein VatD from Vibrio vulnificus M2799., Acta Crystallogr. F Struct. Biol. Commun., 71:1078-1082, 2015 Mori H, Kojima Y, Kawahata T, Matuura M, Uno K, Komano J: A cluster of rapid disease progressors upon primary HIV-1 infection shared a novel variant with mutations in the p6gag/pol and pol/vif genes., AIDS, 29:1717-1719, 2015 Kojima Y, Kawahata T, Mori H, Furubayashi K, Taniguchi Y, Itoda I, Komano J: Identification of novel recombinant forms of hepatitis B virus generated from genotypes Ae and G in HIV-positive Japanese MSM., 60-767, 2015 AIDS Res Human Retroviruses., 31:7 Kurata T, Kanbayashi D, Nishimura H, Komano J, Kase T, Takahashi K: Increased reports of measles in a low endemic region of Japan during a rubella outbreak in 2013., Am J Infect Control., 43:653-655, 2015 Nakata K, Kashiwagi M, Masuda M, Shigehara S, Oba C, S, Kase T, Komano J: A child with acute encephalopathy associated with quadruple virsl infection., Front Pediatr., 3:26. doi: 10.3389/fped.2015.00026. eCollection 2015, 2015 Takeda S, Hisano M, Komano J, Yamamoto H, Sago H, Yamaguchi K: Influenza vaccination during pregnancy and its usefulness to mothers and their young infants (Review)., J Infect Chemother., 21:238-246, 2015 Sakon N, Yamazaki K, Nakata K, Kanbayashi D, Yoda T, Mantani M, Kase T, Takahashi K, .Komano J: Impact of Herd Immunity on the Circulatory Dynamism of Norovirus: A 10-year Longitudinal Study of Viral Acute Gastroenteritis., J Infect Dis., 211:879-888, 2015 2014年 Funahashi T, Tanabe T, Maki J, Miyamoto K, Tsujibo H, Yamamoto S: Identification and characterization of Aeromonas hydrophila genes encoding the outer membrane receptor of ferrioxamine B and an AraC-type transcriptional regulator., Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 78:1777-1787, 2014 Kawano H, Miyamoto K, Yasunobe M, Murata M, Myojin T, Tsuchiya T, Tanabe T, Funahashi T, Sato T, Azuma T, Mino Y, Tsujibo H: The RND protein is involved in the vulnibactin export system in Vibrio vulnificus M2799., Microb. 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Pathog., 65:73-81, 2013 Funahashi T, Tanabe T, Miyamoto K, Tsujibo H, Maki J, Yamamoto S: Characterization of a gene encoding the outer membrane receptor for ferric enterobactin in Aeromonas hydrophila ATCC 7966(T)., Biosci. Biotechnol. 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