


出典: 標準

"> トップページ お知らせ プロジェクトについて カリキュラム --> 募集案内 次世代研究者インタビュー 次世代研究者限定ページ AYU DIAWI ISMAYAWATI さん トップページ 次世代研究者インタビュー AYU DIAWI ISMAYAWATI さん 2022年7月 It's never too late to have a good and healthy life. 農学工学総合研究科 生物機能応用科学専攻 生命機能科学教育コース 2年 AYU DIAWI ISMAYAWATI さん Q1あなたの研究テーマについて教えてください。 Many people are particularly interested in foods with beneficial bioregulatory functions such as prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, but in reality, the research field on bioregulatory functions is stagnant. My research will investigate functional food based on the Kopi Luwak production. I will explore the possibility of undigested foods, inspired by Kopi Luwak. The bioregulatory function of undigested foods has not been elucidated even by Kopi Luwak, and I believe that there are great secrets and expectations. It is desired that it can be reproduced in vitro instead of using an individual organism such as a civet cat. I will develop novel functional food products using undigested protocol. Q2いつ頃から大学院博士後期課程への進学を意識しましたか? After graduate my master degree, I went back to Indonesia. I got a job as university lecturer in 2019. At the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, I had a chance to conduct research collaboration with Professor Sakakibara and stayed in Miyazaki for two months to analyze the bioactive compound of functional food. During this time, I realized that I need to increase my skill and knowledge. I noticed that in the doctoral programs in Japan, student more focuses on research. I want to investigate and develop the beneficial food and beverage to the human health. Therefore, I decided to pursue my doctoral study in April 2021. Q3大学院博士後期課程での学生生活について教えてください。 As Doctoral student, I spend my time mostly in the laboratory. However, I always make time for light exercise such as walking. I walk at least 3 km every day. In the holiday, I enjoy doing my hobby such as shopping, cooking and cleaning. I go to grocery stores to buy some foods material and spices. I also like watching cooking shows on television or on the YouTube channel. Furthermore, I try to practice these recipes and sometimes I modify them to make them more interesting and tastier. Q4次世代研究者挑戦的研究プログラムに採用後、何か変わりましたか? Since I was hired for the Next Generation Researcher Challenging Research Program, my student life has dramatically changed. Firstly, I can do concentrate on my research without any worrying about financial problems. Secondly, I allocated the research funds, and therefore, can purchase the reagents and materials, which are mandatory for proceeding my research, based on my estimates. Finally, collaboration research projects between Kobe University and University Muhammadiyah Malang, which are undergoing projects, are the precious and exciting opportunity on my research experience. Q5将来の目標について教えてください。 I will provide understanding and education to the community to consume healthy food for their better life with research innovation. For this purpose, I need to participate the projects of the food science in Japan, and conduct research about the functional food science. And finally, I would like to become a key person who can contribute to the development of functional food science in Japan and also my home, Indonesia. インタビュー一覧へ お問い合わせ 本事業に関するお問い合わせは、以下へお願いします。 宮崎大学 次世代研究者支援室 Copyright © 2022 University of Miyazaki. All Rights Reserved.

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