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日本語 ENGLISH Company Products Press Release Contact us COMPANY CONTACT US Press Release 2020.11.24Beware of Fake, Scam and Phishing Email MORE Products Slope Protection High Joule Net (high energy absorption type rock fall prevention fence) High Joule Net for Debris Flow Rock Hold 100 (energy absorption type rock fall prevention fence) ES Net (wire rope + rock bolt combination method) Rock fall prevention fences Cover-type rock fall prevention nets Pocket-type rock fall prevention nets Cable nets SK thick nets Soundproofing Products Eco Kyuon (Aluminum Soundproof Panel) Eco Kyuon Clear Standardized type Translucent panels Silence Keeper Other Products TMS Protective Fence 《Guard Fence》 Anti-slip steel plate Libeaura (Aluminum alloy protective fence) 《Bridge railing》 Prockal (protective steel railing)《Bridge railing》 kk Reef《Artificial Reef》 SKS Reef《Artificial Reef》 Semi high-tension tie rods (for harbors and civil engineering)《Tie Rod》 ▲ NIPPON STEEL KOBELCO METAL PRODUCTS CO.,LTD Head Office Akihabara UDX 13F, Sotokanda 4-14-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan Copyright (C) NIPPON STEEL KOBELCO METAL PRODUCTS CO.,LTD All Rights Reserved. This website uses COOKIEs for the purpose of measurement and analysis of access status. It is considered as agreement to use of COOKIEs if you would agree to such use of COOKIEs or continue browsing this website. Please note that you would be able to control the use of COOKIEs by taking prescribed procedures. For more details, please click the following link:> COOKIE PolicyClose to ContinueManage consent

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